Founded in 2016, Neurapses Technologies works on next-generation technologies and provides business solutions in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Solutions (ML). We also own an educational brand called Mechatron Robotics for developing technological awareness among the younger generation. We develop cutting-edge solutions for every business problem.
We aim to become the agents of transformation through the dynamic verses of AI and ML. Today, businesses are looking for services that create a brand and reputation in their industries. Our new approach enables us to offer our clients robust and long-lasting services. We help them build their identity by delivering deep digital engineering through the insights of AI and ML. Our services are entirely customer-specific and deployed in a frictionless manner.
Let us help you achieve a transformational change at speed and scale. With the right resources in your hand explore the dynamics of technology and launch industry revolutionizing experiences for your customers.
Our Offerings
End-to-end AI and ML solutions like Automated Document processing, Image Processing, Information Extraction, Automation & Management of Receipts, Bills, Forms, Expense Management, Product Development, OCR, Data Analytics, and many more to give you higher productivity and increased cost savings. We provide various applications in the Retail, Financial Service, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Logistics, and Education industries.
+91 33 2654 2255
426, Forum Rangoli Mall 212, Girish Ghosh Road, Belur Howrah 711202, West Bengal, India
+44 33 3303 4006
The Long Lodge 265-269 Kingston Road Wimbledon SW19 3NW, England, UK
Skyrocket your business to the next level with our advanced AI & ML Solutions. Get Cutting-Edge solutions for every business problems.
+91 33 2654 2255
426, Forum Rangoli Mall 212, Girish Ghosh Road, Belur Howrah 711202, West Bengal, India
+44 33 3303 4006
The Long Lodge 265-269 Kingston Road Wimbledon SW19 3NW, England, UK
+44 33 3303 4006
1007 North Orange St. Wilmington, DE 19801 USA
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